During the summer months most Northern Europeans disappear for holiday for quite the few weeks. Summer cottage, holiday on an island, all that stored up tension from working hard throughout the year is about to get released and relaxed.
During the summer BNCN will be preparing for the challenges of Autumn. We are working with members Dynamo Workspace in Odense, Denmark to potentially launch a new international project researching circus and drone technology. If successful we will be launching this project in 2018.
Our members will convene again around the time of Subcase in November 2017. The organisers Subtopia are a member and we are working together to create some bespoke and inspiring activity during Subcase which we just found out has been funded by Nordisk Kulturfond – stay tuned for updates. If you are a programmer or producer do attend Subcase – it’s the place to be to see new work by Nordic Circus Artists, network with international peers and get inspired by debate during the programme.
Previously this summer Coordinator Lina made a presentation about the network at Cirko Festival in Finland, if you are interested for Lina or any of the members to come and speak about Baltic Nordic Circus or any of our projects at your event do let us know.
Many of our members are hosting festivals over these summer months. Re Riga in Latvia is an established feature taking place this year from 23-25th of August.
Also in August, there is a new festival on the horizon – Dynamo Nycirkus Festival in Odense kicks off 11-12th of August.
For a complete run down on all the festivals in the Baltic Nordic region check our resources section of the website.
Have a lovely summer!
Image credit: LBF – Gry Lambertsen from Dynamo Workspace outside Sauna Barri at Cirko.
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