Following the recent BNCN members meeting in Stockholm the network is pleased to announce Riga Cirks / Riga Circus as new member.
“Riga circus has a long history but it has always been an important part of Latvian culture life. The profound building of Circus in Riga is going to be renovated soon; but it does not mean that Riga Circus has stopped working. Just the opposite: Riga circus is vigorously changing towards becoming an international, modern, multifunctional and traditionally rich circus art center, which creates, hosts and receives a variety of circus, music, dance and other interdisciplinary art form events.”
Riga Circus, is a building of historical significance and undergoing big developments to host an ambitious state funded education and artistic development programme for contemporary circus. Currently Riga Circus are engaging a new strategy for development of contemporary circus in Latvia.
This December Riga Circus opens its 1st season since the new strategy on December 16th with 5 shows of Thom Monckton “Only bones”
Next year; 2018
Riga Circus will host the international network meeting of BNCN and a Conference on Pedagogy on the 11th of April.
To find out more about Riga Circus check their website: www.cirks.lv