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Meet Riga ICCE Keynote Speaker Texas Holly

We have introduced you to Daniel Gulko, and Alisan Funk, now let us introduce our third and final keynote speaker – Texas Holly, a community engagement director at San Francisco Circus Center (US). She will be speaking about Inclusion in circus education & leading a workshop on How to engage communities in circus?

KEYNOTE: Circus is for everybody! Inclusion in circus education “I want to inspire and offer practical tools for bringing an inclusive approach to circus education. Drawing on over two decades of experience working in historically excluded and under-resourced communities, I will tackle the big questions like, What does inclusivity mean in the realm of circus education? Why circus? Circus education as a vehicle for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the classroom. How do I put inclusivity into practice in classroom settings? What are some helpful resources for more inspiration? Illustrated with funny, moving stories and portraits of my long-term engagement through the circus.”  WORKSHOP: How to engage communities in circus? What does it mean to work with a community and how to reach communities that have not been in contact with circus so far? In the workshop, we will look at interesting examples from experience within the circus field, as well as create new and innovative ideas for addressing communities taking into account the individual needs.

Workshop audience: open to everybody

Organized by BNCN, Cirkus Syd and Rīgas cirks Riga ICCE will take place on the 10th and 11th of May, at Zeļļu Street 25, Riga.

The main themes of Riga ICCE 2022 are artistic thinking in education, an inclusive approach to education, and physical literacy in artistry.

The program will have three main types of events – keynote speeches – TED Talk-style speeches that will be held by one of our keynote speakers in person AND broadcast live, world cafes – round-table discussions led by an expert on the topic held in person AND online, and workshops. Detailed topics of each event can be found below the schedule.

Register for Riga ICCE here.

This activity is supported by Nordic Culture Point, Nordic Culture Ministry, Baltic-American Freedom Foundation and Latvian State Culture Capital Foundation


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