It has been a while since we updated the blog with our activities, but that is not because we were not doing things, but the other way around actually!
Today we want to tell you about this wonderful project that has been happening since last year - ARTiculate Pedagogy Network.
It is a network for circus education that was formed out of Baltic Nordic Circus Network pedagogy working group (most of our activities come from members ideas and then we try to develop them into a project).
The goal of such "network" is to extend the pedagogy and education collaborators within the region and include different collaborators from the circus education sector (also, to find more people that are interested in circus education!).
Build Community;
Strengthen Networks;
Increase international engagement;
Inspire youth to circus engagement;
We have so much strength when we work together. That is the lesson we learned again and again through our meetings.
Main activities of the project:
Circus youth summer camp in Estonia;
Circus teachers’ job shadow programme;
Circus taster sessions for various educators in Baltic countries;
Different masterclasses for professionals in Baltic Nordic region;
You can read more about the project in our strategic document
Funded by Nordic Culture point.
