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April 2018 BNCN Meeting Riga.


April 2018 BNCN Meeting Riga.

On the 10th and 11th of April the members of the Baltic Nordic Circus Network met at the Nordic Council of Ministers in Riga, Latvia. Representatives from Dynamo, Cirkus Cirkör, AD productions/HOOG Festival, Finnish Youth Circus Association, CircusInfo Finland, Arts Printing House, Riga Circus, ReRiga Festival, Sirkunst, Cirko, Subtopia and Managen were in attendance.


Over the two days, there were presentations of projects from Riga Circus, HOOG festival and Arts Printing House, Dynamo Drones (working title), Northern Network for Performing Arts, Dash Festival Network and NuoraNord. Kirsi from CircusInfo Finland held a focussed capacity building session on communication and Stephane from Circostrada Network shared their advocacy work. As well as discussions about the preparations for BNCN and Circostrada’s joint ambition to focus on advocacy in the Baltic-Nordic region in 2019.



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