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Mie kicks off the member generated news!

Hello all members and followers of BNCN!

Mie is my name and I feel very honored to be the first person to write a member generated post. These posts is a new initiative, making it possible to share news and aspects regarding the Baltic/Nordic aspects of anything great/interesting/introducing/fun/serious from the contemporary circus world. As a BNCN member you can sign up for the blog contribution here.

Let me introduce myself… First of all I’m a great circus fan – I’m not a practicing artist (all I can do is joggle with three balls) but an enjoying audience. My skills are not far from circus though, as I work part time with professional face and body painting. This was also my way into the circus world, since I one magical day ended doing it at Dynamo Circus Festival 2018 and I stuck since!

What I also work part-time with is as Lina B. Franks general assistant for BNCN and Cirkus Syd! I get to help across all types of administration and projects, learning a lot and getting inspired all the time. I get to be a part of all the work that’s put into making this organisation running, like how BNCN applies for project funding and how the different workgroups and projects are created, developed and executed. It’s quite a big task to administrate an international organization with many big projects during the year, by that I get to know the importance of internal structure and systems, as well as clear communication. Lina is a great college. She’s honest and very focused and aware of her responsibilities as well as the importance of the BNCN existence. I take care of the smaller tasks of Lina, like drafting emails, being in contact with project participants, creating contracts, organizing travel and more. As this wasn’t enough jobs already, I’m also sales responsible for the organisation called Det Turkise Telt (check it out!  We have multiple festivals and events around the year, embracing the multiculturalism of Aarhus/Denmark, presenting roots&hybrid music and traditions from all over the world – with the goal of creating warm vibes and making the foreign less strange!

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(this is me at Arcade Delight 2018 at Dynamo Workspace – yes, this might be the greatest snowsuit of the world)

Currently I live in Aarhus, Denmark, where I study something so wonderful as Aesthetics and Culture at Aarhus University. This subject is very broad and very difficult to explain exactly what I’m learning… but, it’s very much like getting to analyze what’s happening between object (like art, food, commercials, language and social constructions) and a subject. It’s a lot about getting to know the humans within different cultures, while seeing and pinpointing connections across. I spend my free time doing graphical artwork for posters, album covers, t-shirts and whatever people would want me to create! I enjoy drawing a lot, it’s been a passion since childhood. Feel free to check out my stuff ->

Next best to drawing is pressing random buttons on synthesizers and pianos. I used to play in quite a few bands, and are at the moment a part of Kalas – Improvisation Collective. A group of variating musicians who plays a concert each 26th of the month, a new place each time. Without any practice we decide a setlist during dinner (an hour before the concert). Because of Covid-19, we’re experimenting with new forms of concerts – which is great fun! Last time we made a livestream from a kolonial garden in Aarhus N. See and listen to the recorded video 😀

Thanks for keeping up with my enthusiastic post, hugs from a very happy person! PS. Lina, I finally turned on the spellcheck.. 😀


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