Registration open: ARTiculate 1.0 digital workshops
Registration open: ARTiculate 1.0 digital workshops
Circostrada and the Perform Europe survey!
Circostrada and the Perform Europe survey!
Introducing Typhaine Sotés, our new Digital and Communications Producer!
Introducing Typhaine Sotés, our new Digital and Communications Producer!
Discover the latest New Horizon Leadership Programme blogs!
Discover the latest New Horizon Leadership Programme blogs!
Lithuanian Contemporary Circus Showcase
Lithuanian Contemporary Circus Showcase
Happy holidays!
Happy holidays!
New Circus school in the Baltics – Cirko Sapiens, Lithuania
New Circus school in the Baltics – Cirko Sapiens, Lithuania
ARTiculate Pedagogy Strategic work
ARTiculate Pedagogy Strategic work
Introducing the New Horizon Leadership Programme selected participants!
Introducing the New Horizon Leadership Programme selected participants!
Riga Cirks open call: Baltic Circus on the Road!
Riga Cirks open call: Baltic Circus on the Road!